Migrate Files From Word For Mac To Word For Pc

  1. How To Remove Templates From Word For Mac

= = = = = = Issue Is right now there adapter/wire that can end up being utilized to transmit my MS-ExceI MS-WORD fiIes from my Mac SE-30 to a modern Mac device? = = = = = = Information I've Mac SE-30 with an exterior Zip Push with its devices and there primary wires/connections/mouse/kéyboard, etc in great situations. The MS-ExceI and MS-Wórd files that l proved helpful on for decades (under my Mac pc system Operating-system 6.0.7 on Mac pc SE-30) are saved on the Mac pc SE-30 hard-disk and on Zip-disks.

How To Remove Templates From Word For Mac

I'd like to transmit those old files to a fresh mac laptop computer since I urgently need to function on these fiIes on a new Mac device and to finally work on them under Home windows on PC notebook. It seems that like transmission(s) is certainly/are feasible (through specific hardware, e.gary the gadget guy. Adapters and cables).

However, I perform not understand where to purchase the necessary equipment in question. Can any entire body assist. The Apple dealers at Cairo, Egypt (including Apple Industry Collection and its servicing services center, at the Sheik Zaid Town to the west of Cairo are usually unable of supplying me any assist. Those dealers state that there is usually “no method to perform that since Mac SE-30 is certainly a SCSI machine that apple company has forgotten and create outdated forever”. Basically, I perform not believe those local sellers. For sure there can be a method, but I must buy the right adapters/cables to perform that transmission job without Web. I'michael grateful to anybody who may help through providing the names/addresses/sites of dealers who may have the needed hardware.

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In reply to: converting pc documents to mac files???? If the question means Microsoft Word files, then all that is needed is to install Microsoft Word on the Mac and all should still work. However, if you need to give someone a copy of the document saved as a Microsoft Word file, you can easily convert it using TextEdit. Double-click the document to open it with TextEdit on your Mac.